Excellent Student Achievements
BHS Music Celebrates the End of the Year!
May 21, 2021
U.S. History Final
May 21, 2021
Preface by Julianna Lamb, History and ESL Instructor
Joaquin P. ’22 & Leila D. ’22
Achieving Fluency in a Second Language
April 29, 2021
Making the transition to fluency is a difficult skill to accomplish and a dream come true for all language learners. Fluency is the result of consistent and committed practice: day after day, week after week, and month after month. To get to this milestone in the process of acquiring a new language, students must spend time outside of class practicing speaking, listening, reading, and writing in the target language.
Joaquin and Leila have recently made the transition to fluency in the Spanish III class. Bravo! Students in the Spanish III class are assigned to research a current event of their preference, take notes, and present the information in class. Both Joaquin and Leila have been able to paraphrase their entire articles without the use of notes of any kind.
Preface by Néstor Ramón Gerónimo Morales, Spanish Instructor and Chair of the Department of Humanities
Jaan A. ’22 & Evie S. ’22
AP U.S. History Class Presentations
December 4, 2020
Preface by Francois Tchoyi, History Teacher
Ben L. ’21 & Evie S. ’22
AP Spanish Class Presentations
November 13, 2020
Preface by Néstor Ramón Gerónimo Morales, Spanish Teacher
Yuki G. ’21
Native American Presentation
October 8, 2020
Students in the English III/IV classes researched various aspects of Native American life and history in preparation for reading Sherman Alexie’s novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. Though this novel is often read by younger readers, its themes require maturity and sensitivity to explore. Here is a sample presentation of research on Native American Reservations by Yuki G. ’21. Yuki is studying with us from China, and she sometimes records her work to be shared and discussed during class periods.
Preface by Mary Spence, English Teacher
Marie H. ’21
Conclusion from Civil Rights Research Essay
October 1, 2020
Marie H. chose to research the competing methods of two prominent figures of the history of Civil Rights, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X. The following is her conclusion from her research essay:
In conclusion, both men, respected leaders in their own right, each had radically different methods of gaining national attention: King through protests and sit-ins, Malcolm X through fiery speeches and militancy. And the most striking difference is this: King drew his inspiration from peaceful sources- Mahatma Gandhi being chief among these. Malcolm X, on the other hand, “saw [the] Southern struggle as inspiration for the Black Nationalist movement” (kinginstitute.standford.edu). Fundamentally they were looking for the same thing: equal rights for black people. However, that played out very differently on their respective stages: for Malcolm X, that looked like a separate state, composed of all black people, while King was determined to integrate into the dominant white society of the US. They both had profound impacts on not only society in the US, but also abroad, as is evidenced by King’s Nobel Prize (the acceptance speech was given in Oslo), and it is difficult, in 2020, to imagine a world without the pivotal changes that they each wrought on the American consciousness.
Preface by Megan Walton, Assistant Head of School
Akari I. ’21
College Common Application Essay
October 1, 2020
Students in Mary’s English III/IV classes are preparing for college counseling sessions with Doug by drafting college essays based on the seven Common Application Questions (https://www.commonapp.org/apply/essay-prompts). One method they are using to help edit and revise their work is to read their responses aloud in class. The students offer questions, compliments, and suggestions when they listen to each other’s stories. The following is a recording of Akari I. ’21, who is working asynchronously from Japan this fall, reading her essay about her love of dance and how a challenging moment helped shape her dreams.
Preface by Mary Spence, English Teacher
Besant Hill School of Happy Valley
8585 Ojai Santa Paula Rd
Ojai, CA 93023
Tel: (805) 646-4343
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